Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stephen Frear's "Dangerous Liaisons" (the film)

Please answer at least two questions:

1. How does the opening sequence of the film create an atmosphere that introduces us to these characters and this world? Pay close attention to details the director uses (symbols, themes, character, decor, etc.).

2. The novel is entirely letters, whereas here in the film these letters at times are relegated to a secondary (or even absent) status. Do you think the film is able to succeed as well in presenting the plots and intrigue as the letters are? Does the film add anything to the story? Detract? Think of specific scenes from the novel and how the director has chosen to translate them to the screen.

3. Do a character analysis or scene analysis from the film - pay attention again to details the director uses.

4. A large part of our class discussion concerning the novel has - in addition to the sex - the roles of men and women in society. How does the film translate some of these themes? Analyze one or two specific scenes in your answer.

5. Analyze the film's ending - especially the closing scenes with Madame de Merteuil (the book has a somewhat different ending for her). Or - do you think the ending of a film contains a power (a different power) the novel doesn't have or presents in a different manner? (I'm thinking especially of the closing shots just before the fade out to credits). How might this retroactively comment upon the film as a whole?

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